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Building Faith - Youth Sunday School Classes

Early Childhood/Nursery


The Nursery is open and available for infants and toddlers during our worship hour. When you come to the nursery, you will be greeted with a smile from our Nursery staff and volunteers. During worship the toddlers are led in fun, age-appropriate activities, stories and movement. Our nursery is located on the upper level, down the hall from the welcome center, directly across from the elementary classroom. 

Children's Sunday School
Children's Sunday School (Sunday Mornings 10:00 am)


On Sunday mornings children are invited to attend the beginning of the worship service with their families, then after the children's sermon, those aged preschool through 5th grade will be dismissed for Sunday School. During Sunday School children experience multiple avenues of learning: music, Bible stories, drama, crafts and games, all related to the core message of the day. Together, children will learn more about God’s Word for their lives.  

Interested in volunteering

Contact Stephen Flavin:

Confirmand Sunday baptism 2021.jpg


Confirmation is a time of faith exploration and discernment. Through class meetings, our confirmands engage in conversation and activities that help them grow in relationship with God and each other. We learn what it means to be a Christian, and specifically what it means to be Presbyterian.


Confirmation Class: Confirmation class is typically held in February and is open to anyone 8th grade or older.  Dates will be posted on our Bulletin Board as soon as they are scheduled. 

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