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Mission and Outreach

We have a long history of being a church committed to helping others in our world and our community. We are in close relationship with the organizations we support, and we encourage, equip, empower, and expect our members to engage the world that surrounds us with the truth of God's eternal love and care. We also believe that we receive as much as we give by experiencing God at work through a variety of short-term missions and services such as Northville Civic Concern, Crossroads of Detroit, Gleaners, CROP Walk, Mitten Tree, Socks for Detroit Rescue Mission, Rebuilding Together, Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive, and more. We experience God through building community by leading when we know the way and searching with others when the path is not so well defined.

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BSA Troop 755

We offer:

  • Monthly camping opportunities

  • High adventure trips--multiple trips per year

  • First Year scouting program

  • Merit Badge instruction

  • Leadership training

  • Eagle scout advising

We are the largest and most versatile troop in the state of Michigan.  Our troop ranges from 120 to 200 co-ed scouts.  

We meet outside from mid March to Mid November and meet inside First Presbyterian Church during the winter.  We camp monthly either outside or in cabins in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Canada.  


Our Troop motto is "A Proud Tradition since 1947"

Our Troop slogan is "Advance Through Adventure"


Troop 755 Home page.


AA and Al-Anon


The church hosts weekly AA and Al-Anon meetings on Tuesdays.


Al-Anon:  8:00 p.m.

AA:  8:00 p.m.



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Northville Civic Concern


This local non profit organization provides food and household supplies for needy people in Northville. Our members regularly donate food, gas cards and store gift cards. Specific donation events are:  Mitten Tree, Great Grocery Bag, and fresh fruit and vegetable collection. To volunteer with Civic Concern, call 248-344-1033



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Bridgepointe with Neinas


We regularly support Neinas Elementary School in Detroit (Academy of the Americas) by providing books, backpacks and school supplies, plus a Christmas party where our youth gets to meet and interact with the students! Watch for details in the Sunday bulletins and on this website.


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Greeting Card Ministry


Creative FPC members gather to make handmade cards to send to those experiencing joyous or difficult life events. In conjunction with the Deacons, in this way the church expresses our love and caring for the congregation.  This groups meets regularly; please join us - no prior experience needed!



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Red Cross Blood Drives


The need is constant.  The gratification is instant.  In partnership with the American Red Cross, FPCN sponsors several blood drives each year.  Watch for dates in the Sunday bulletins, our calendar, and on this website.


to make an online appointment:

use Sponsor Code:  fpcnorthville


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